The Journal of Tishk International University The IJSSES is an open access international double-blind peer-reviewed refereed journal that publishes original researches regarding different fields of Education. The Journal is published quarterly (September, December, March, June) in both print and online versions. The online version is free to access and download. The journal publishes original research papers, case reports, and review articles. Broad topics covered by IJSSES are: Child Development, Curriculum Development, Reading Comprehension, Philosophies of Education, Educational Approaches, Primary School Education, Secondary and Higher Education, Adult Education, Educational Theory, Educational Development, Educational Psychology, Sociology of Education, Teaching and Learning, Educational Management, Leadership and Management, Teacher Education, Professional Development of Teachers, Education History, Education Science, Distance Education, Guidance and Counseling, Health Education, Human Rights Education, Innovation and Changing in Education, Life Long Learning, Mathematics Education, Environmental Education, Measurement and Evaluation in Education, Science Education, Social Sciences Teaching, Special Education, Motivation, and Language Teaching, Language Acquisition, Career Planning, Career Development, Career Management.