An Overview of Existing Problems in Teaching the Science ”Fundamentals of Geometry”




Axiom, Affine, Curriculum, Distance, Euclidean Geometry, Measure, Non-Euclidean Geometry, Teaching


This paper goes into the challenges faced in the teaching of geometry, emphasizing its foundational principles. It investigates an alternate viewpoint by relating geometric principles to verses from the Holy Quran, implying that geometric conceptions have a spiritual and intellectual dimension. The historical contributions of Islam to geometric sciences are also examined, emphasizing the confluence between religion and geometry. The historical context of geometry in Islamic education is also explored, with an emphasis on the substantial contributions of some Muslim scholars to the topic between the 9th and 15th centuries. The literature overview presents much research on geometry education, including inquiry-based techniques, academic talent profiles, and the impact of various teaching methods on student achievement. Despite the variety of teaching methods, obstacles such as curriculum issues, teacher training, and student attitudes continue. In addressing the complexity of geometry teaching, the methodologies section highlights the significance of appropriate research design. The traditional teaching style and activity-based teaching/learning are addressed as two opposing methods. The latter is praised for its ability to foster innovative learning experiences. The results and discussion section critically assesses the “Foundations of Geometry” curriculum at top universities, identifying issues that need to be revised to line with contemporary expectations. The obstacles to teaching geometry are examined, including students’ apathy and lack of prior knowledge, and solutions such as real-world examples, continual professional development, and activity-based teaching approaches are proposed. Finally, the article proposes a comprehensive reevaluation of geometry education that takes historical, religious, and current perspectives into account. It emphasizes the need for dynamic teaching methods, technology integration, and a revamped curriculum to make geometry more accessible and entertaining for students.


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How to Cite

Nazarovich, S. T., & Kurudirek, A. (2024). An Overview of Existing Problems in Teaching the Science ”Fundamentals of Geometry”. International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies, 11(2), 91-106.

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