Teachers’ Perceptions, Preparations, And Challenges in the Implementation of Limited Face-To-Face Classroom Interaction in the New Normal


  • Hyacinth Pearl E. Hayahay Teacher-I, Department of Education, Philippines Saint Columban College, Pagadian City, Philippines,Saint Columban College, Pagadian City, Philippines
  • Mario F. Alayon Teacher-I, Department of Education, Philippines Saint Columban College, Pagadian City, Philippines,Saint Columban College, Pagadian City, Philippines




Perceptions, Preparations, Teaching Strategies, Challenges, Limited Face-to-Face, New Normal, Classroom Interaction, Implementation


Teachers have varied perceptions in the implementation of the limited face-to-face classroom interaction. Being the implementers, teachers go through series of preparations in ensuring its success while adhering to the guidelines imposed by the authorities to safeguard the health of both teachers and students. Varied teaching strategies and coping mechanisms were utilized to cater learners’ needs and confront challenges. Challenges will always be part of the teaching-learning process, though teachers went on rigorous preparations in the implementation of the limited face-to-face classroom interaction. However, it does not obstruct teachers’ focus to cope with these challenges and to innovate strategies to help students achieve their academic success. It is revealed that teachers’ flexibility, optimism, and their commitment to their profession, paired with support from the administration were of great help during the implementation of the limited face-to-face classroom interaction in the new normal.


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How to Cite

Hayahay, H. P. E., & Alayon, M. F. (2023). Teachers’ Perceptions, Preparations, And Challenges in the Implementation of Limited Face-To-Face Classroom Interaction in the New Normal. International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies, 10(2), 301-323. https://doi.org/10.23918/ijsses.v10i2p301

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