Investigating The Dimensions of Emotional Intelligence in Kurdistan Region


  • Dekan Nzar Business and Management Department, Tishk International University, Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
  • Cemil Top Business and Management Department, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics, Tishk International University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



Emotional Intelligence, Employees Motivation, Kurdistan Region of Iraq


Emotional intelligence gives the ability to use and control one’s own emotions in useful ways which reduces stress, helps to improve communication, and overcoming obstacles. Therefore, having the ability to make the right decisions and set strong strategic plans emotional intelligence plays an important role. In this respect, current paper aims to investigate the usefulness of the dimensions of emotional intelligence in the Kurdistan Region. To do this a survey questionnaire has been in English and Kurdish language prepared and applied through google forms. We have collected 150 data from employees and managers of various organizations in the region. Further, data have been evaluated by using IBM SPSS 25. It has been observed that emotional intelligence has been divided into two dimensions of emotional appraisal and emotional regulation, where it has been found in different cultures as 4 dimensions. It is recommended deeper studying and understanding of emotional intelligence in Kurdistan region of Iraq with higher number of participants to understand in what extend emotional intelligence improves employees favorable outcomes in the workplaces.


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How to Cite

Nzar, D., & Top , C. (2023). Investigating The Dimensions of Emotional Intelligence in Kurdistan Region. International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies, 10(2), 364-377.

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