Factors Leading to Writing Anxiety in EFL Classes
Foreign Language Anxiety, Language Anxiety, Writing Anxiety, Writing Anxiety FactorsAbstract
This study investigated the writing anxiety of second language learners and analyzed the positive and negative implications of this concern. The research examined anxiety, foreign language anxiety, and the primary functions of writing anxiety. To view this topic from the students’ perspective, 94 secondary and high school students from Stirling Schools in Iraq and university students from TISHK International University completed a questionnaire. According to the survey findings, writing anxiety has beneficial and harmful effects on children. The children were not adversely affected by the feedback of their peers and educators, which was an unexpected finding. Another remarkable result is that many pupils had writing anxiety due to inadequate grammar and vocabulary. The most striking and gratifying outcome is that students believe they are more successful when writing on themes they enjoy and are familiar with. In this way, their writing anxiety decreases, and they can produce more productive work.
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