Implementing Critical Pedagogy into EFL Context to Reach Higher Order Level of Thinking by Bloom’s Taxonomy


  • Liva Adil Shareef English Language Teaching Department, Faculty of Education, Tishk International University, Erbil, Iraq
  • Dilveen Abdulstar Sadiq English Language Teaching Department, Faculty of Education, Tishk International University, Erbil, Iraq



Critical Pedagogy, Problem Posing, Bloom’s Taxonomy, Banking Model of Education


 The primary goal of this paper is to promote critical pedagogy in the higher education system by applying it in the EFL context. Critical pedagogy is concerned with how educators can alter education from the banking model of education; due to the traditional way of teaching, learners are passive receivers, whereas, in the problem-posing method, students are active agents of their learning process. For this purpose, problem-posing and two-way dialogue were pedagogical actions to enhance students’ critical thinking and communication skills. The present study intended to develop the student’s speaking capacity, engage them to ask questions, and give reflections on the exposed issues. Five steps have been followed for problem posing; describe the content, define the problem, personalize the problem, discuss the situation, and discuss substitutes for the problem. The observation method was carried out to collect data among two classes containing 20 students each. Finally, the finding of this study proved that implementing critical pedagogy in EFL classrooms increases students’ engagement with the curriculum and enhances their interactions in the school. In addition, students reached a higher level by Bloom’s Taxonomy associated with their earlier rank.


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How to Cite

Shareef, L. A., & Sadiq, D. A. (2023). Implementing Critical Pedagogy into EFL Context to Reach Higher Order Level of Thinking by Bloom’s Taxonomy. International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies, 10(1), 13-21.

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