Perspectives on Teacher Education Programme Preparation of Preservice Educators at A University in South Africa


  • Clever Ndebele Directorate of Learning and Teaching, Walter Sisulu University, South Africa
  • Dagogo William Legg-Jack Directorate of Learning and Teaching, Walter Sisulu University, South Africa



Teacher Education Programme, Preservice Educators, Teaching Profession


 This study explored perspectives on teacher education programme preparation of preservice educators at a University in South Africa. The purpose was to explore the perspectives of B.Ed Honours preservice teachers on how their programme at the university prepared them for the teaching profession. Positioned in the interpretivist paradigm, the study adopted a qualitative approach with a case study design through which data was generated using semi-structured interviews from 16 B. Ed. Honours preservice teachers who were purposively selected to form the sample. Thematic method was employed to analyse the data generated. The results revealed that B. Ed Honours preservice teachers whilst in their university programme acquired pedagogical competencies which also includes classroom management, problem-solving skills, inclusive education strategies as well as interpersonal relations and teacher professionalism. The study also revealed that preservice teachers had challenges with the implementation due to disparity between knowledge acquired at the university and what was expected on the field. From the findings, the study concludes that preservice teachers received some level of preparation from their university that assisted them in navigating the teaching practicum exercise. Thus, it is recommended that the training institutions partner with schools to ensure proper posting of preservice teachers as well as review their programmes to ensure alignment between theory and practice.


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How to Cite

Ndebele, C., & Legg-Jack, D. W. (2024). Perspectives on Teacher Education Programme Preparation of Preservice Educators at A University in South Africa. International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies, 9(4), 195-210.

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