Sustainability Education and Instructional Leadership Practices in Thailand: Perspectives of Thai School Principals


  • Emmanuel Jean-Francois Ohio University, USA



Comparative Education, Global Education, International Education, Environmental Education, Glocal Study


Thailand is one among various countries in the world that have integrated sustainability education in their curriculum. Their sufficiency-based curriculum is a local (national) version of global sustainability education. School principals have a primary responsibility to provide instructional leadership so that sustainability education or education for sustainability is implemented in ways that are adequate and effective. Therefore, the perspectives and practices of school principals on sustainability education could be instrumental in providing insights regarding the potential to achieve the sustainable goals set for 2030 within the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs). This study intends to focus on Thailand as a local (national) context to study the perspectives of a key category of stakeholder (school principal) regarding a global challenge (sustainability education). Consequently, the purpose of this study is to explore perspectives of Thai school principals on sustainability education in relation to their instructional leadership practices.


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How to Cite

Jean-Francois, E. (2022). Sustainability Education and Instructional Leadership Practices in Thailand: Perspectives of Thai School Principals. International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies, 9(3), 280-290.

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