An Offer to Expand the Scope of Guidance Activities in Schools: The Case of Obesity
Overweight, Obesity, Guidance Activities, StudentsAbstract
One of the growing problems of humanity is overweight and obesity. According to the data of the World Health Organization, the rate of obesity in the human population has increased 3 times since 1975. This issue should be taken seriously, and public health policies should be developed in this regard. In addition, at the point of struggling with this issue, this study recommends the guidance programs applied in schools. Guidance programs of schools have emerged according to the needs of modern people and have been shaped in the process. It may be possible to find a solution to obesity, which is one of the growing problems of humanity today, by raising awareness from school age. As it can be seen in the sample school discussed in this regard, although guidance activities are common, it has been revealed that obesity is not on the agenda in any way. This study offers a proposal for addressing obesity in guidance activities.
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