Information and Communication Technology Acceptance in Madrasa Education: Religious’ Perspective in Tanzania
ICT, Islamic Education, Madrasa, UTAUT, Tanzania, Technology AcceptanceAbstract
This study was intended to model information and communication technology (ICT) acceptance in Tanzanian madrasas based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model and extend it with two constructs: religious perspective and personal innovativeness. That is because there is a scarcity of studies investigating ICT acceptance in the madrasa education context. The study is a quantitative, and a survey questionnaire was distributed through google form to collect primary data. The study involved both teachers and students, with a sample of 215 respondents obtained using the snowball sampling technique. Data analysis used Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) technique. The findings indicate that religious perspective (T=3.636; P<0.001), social influence (T=2.818; P<0.01), and personal innovativeness (T=3.301; P<0.01) are the only significant variables that determined the behaviour intention of individuals to use ICT. Also, the significant factors influencing madrasa individuals to the actual use of ICT facilities are behavioural intention (T=3.649; P<0.01) and religious perspective (T=2.428; P<0.05). Except for the social influence variable, other variables of the UTAUT model were found insignificant to influence the intention of individuals to use ICT in Islamic studies. Finally, recommendations and study limitations are also discussed.
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