Investigating STEM Senior High School Scientific Research Productivity and Selected Affecting Factors: A Mixed Triangulation Study


  • Christian M. Santiago School of Graduate Studies, Saint Mary's University, 3700, Philippines
  • Samuel R. Soliven School of Graduate Studies, Saint Mary's University, 3700, Philippines, Bureau of Curriculum Development, Department of Education, Central Office, Philippines



Basic Education, Science Education, Scientific Research Skills, Research Policy, Quality Education


Only recently, primary education institutions in the Philippines started to embrace research, resulting in few investigations into research productivity and affecting factors. This mixed method triangulation study measures senior high school scientific research productivity and influencing factors. A total of 130 students, 68 papers, nine faculty, and ten evaluators were the participants in the study. Results showed low research productivity in the quantity and quality of papers. Results also revealed a significant relationship between student and teacher scientific research skills (SRS) and research policy to the quality of research. In conclusion, there is a need for improvement in primary education research productivity by increasing student and teacher SRS and holistically formulating a research policy.


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How to Cite

Santiago, C. M., & Soliven, S. R. (2024). Investigating STEM Senior High School Scientific Research Productivity and Selected Affecting Factors: A Mixed Triangulation Study. International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies, 10(3), 1-23.

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