Exploring the Experiences of School Information Coordinators (SIC) in the New Normal Education
Challenges, Communication, Dissemination, Experiences, Information, New NormalAbstract
The School Information Coordinators (SIC) ensure efficient communication and information are coordinated and strengthened in their respective schools, especially in the new normal. Despite its successful designation, challenges were experienced in performing their roles, which hampers their effectiveness and functions. This qualitative case study explored the experiences of 12 SIC by interviewing them about their performance of their duties in the new normal education. The School Information Coordinators’ duties and responsibilities in the new normal involve verifying information, facilitating the conduct of information, and helping to address the schools’ issues and concerns. Furthermore, strategies to disseminate information include initiating collaborative efforts, strengthening relationships, being knowledgeable on tasks, and doing technologically inclined practices. Their challenges include poor internet connection and overloading of functions and responsibilities. However, in dealing with these challenges, School Information Coordinators applied resourceful in problem-solving, increasing work efforts, and seeking help and support. School Information Coordinators encountered different challenges, but efforts to overcome challenges were made possible by applying creativity and flexibility to their assigned designation.
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