Development of a Novel Military Veteran Academic Pathway Program in an Australian University: Transition and Identity Making in Higher Education for Student Veterans


  • Piper A. Bell Flinders University, College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, Sturt Road, Bedford Park South Australia 5042



Veterans, Pathway Program, Higher Education, Belonging, Veteran Transition, Researcher Positionality


 In Australia, existing Australian Defence Force and Department of Veterans’ Affairs transition programs largely focus on vocational training and reskilling, mental health, well-being, and physical rehabilitation. Higher education has historically not been well supported as a pathway for many transitioning veterans, yet it can in fact provide a pathway from service to civilian life that gives meaning, identity and a sense of belonging to a veteran’s life and, critically, helps them develop a sense of individuality and self-efficacy – key features required for a ‘successful’ transition out of the structured constraints of military life. The Military Academic Pathway Program (MAPP) was piloted at Flinders University, South Australia in 2019 as an intensive four-week program that aimed to develop independent learning skills and prepare students for university study and culture. This paper reviews the MAPP, from design, implementation and post-delivery reflection, from the unique position of teacher-researcher using a naturalistic inquiry methodology and employing qualitative methods for data collection, including observation and semi-structured testimonial interviews, as well as academic results and admission rates. The findings present modest yet promising results for the merit of the novel program.


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How to Cite

Bell, P. A. (2021). Development of a Novel Military Veteran Academic Pathway Program in an Australian University: Transition and Identity Making in Higher Education for Student Veterans. International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies, 8(2), 278-296.

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