The Impact of Technology-Aided Instruction on Motivation of Geometry Learners
Technology, Motivation, Geometry Learning, Classroom ManagementAbstract
Rapid development of technology has made it inevitable to use it in the classes. As the scope of technology is wide and it is continuously renewed, it has brought changes in the way and style of using it also. The fact of how technology is implemented is one of the main factors affecting class management. In the applications of technology-aided education based on a behavioral approach, traditional lecturing method is supported, and motivation of the students is enhanced. In a class that is created by use of constructivist approach, student-centered studies are given more attention. Therefore, classroom management techniques will automatically change. Many students have difficulty in perceiving the key concepts in geometry and prefer to leave the geometry lessons without learning even the very basic terminology. Systematic geometry teaching might help students to obtain a better geometry knowledge and success since their motivation will rise. The study aims to show the facilitating role of technology-based teaching in increasing student motivation. Moreover, the current study tries to explain whether the use of technology in the classroom can increase geometry learning.
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