An Evaluation of Positive and Negative Aspects of Educational Games: A Case Study in Erbil Brayaty Primary School


  • Bünyamin Celik Tishk International University, Erbil
  • Recep Bilgin Tishk International University, Erbil
  • Yunus Yıldız Tishk International University, Erbil



Educational Games, Positive Aspects, Negative Aspects


 In the educational processes, games are generally handled with their positive aspects. Particular attention has been given to games in the literature, especially because of their motivating and instructive aspects to students. However, in this study, attention was drawn to some negative aspects of games along with their positive aspects. The positive and negative aspects of the games were discussed together with 2 games applied to primary school 5th grade students. The instructive aspect of the games has been revealed by the tests and evaluations. On the other hand, its negative aspects were determined by the observations made in the game and the thoughts of the teacher.


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How to Cite

Celik, B., Bilgin, R., & Yıldız, Y. (2022). An Evaluation of Positive and Negative Aspects of Educational Games: A Case Study in Erbil Brayaty Primary School. International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies, 9(1), 227-243.

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