Enhancing EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Acquisition with Socrative Digital Flashcards: An Experimental Study


  • Jihan Rahmawati Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang, Indonesia
  • Mujiono Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang, Indonesia
  • Ayu Liskinasih Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang, Indonesia




Digital Flashcard, Socrative, Vocabulary Acquisition


Effective communication in a foreign language requires an in-depth knowledge of the language’s vocabulary. Teachers are expected to include interactive multimedia in their vocabulary instruction. The current study examined the impact of Socrative digital flashcards on English as a foreign language (EFL) learners’ vocabulary acquisition. The study recruited 54 students from the State Junior High School of Malang in Indonesia. Their ages varied from 12-14 years old. This was a quasi-experimental study, and they were categorized into two groups, 27 for both experiment and control. An independent sample t-test and normalized gain were employed to analyse the data. The results showed that learners who used Socrative digital flashcards had significantly higher vocabulary acquisition than groups who used PowerPoint flashcards. Socrative digital flashcards contributed to developing E FL learners’ vocabulary acquisition.


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How to Cite

Rahmawati, J., Mujiono, & Liskinasih, A. (2022). Enhancing EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Acquisition with Socrative Digital Flashcards: An Experimental Study. International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies, 9(1), 269-280. https://doi.org/10.23918/ijsses.v9i1p269

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