The Role of Online Teaching Tools on the Perception of the Students during the Lockdown of Covid-19


  • Kurdistan Salih Mohammed College of Basic Education, Sulaimani University, Sulaymaniyah, Iraq
  • Chnar Abdullah Rashid Department of Accounting, Sulaimani Polytechnic University, Sulaymaniyah, Iraq
  • Hajar Abdulqadir Salih College of Public Administration and Natural Resources Management, University of Charmo, Sulaymaniyah, Iraq
  • Taylan Budur Business and Management Department, Tishk International University, Sulaymaniyah, Iraq



Covid-19, Online Education, Lockdown, Students Satisfaction, Zoom, Online Education Tools, Kurdistan, Iraq


Due to COVID-19 pandemic majority of public and private institutions around the world went to lockdown for an unknown end. One of the most important sectors, which faced trouble was education, hence many universities and academic institutions have shifted to online learning via various platforms to make their academic year going. Tishk International University as one of the private universities in Sulaymaniyah has conducted different online platforms to survive academic year. Students’ perception toward online education became a great question to be answered during the coronavirus period. Secondary data were collected via questionnaire based on Likert Style, and the results showed that, minor majority of the answers were satisfied in term of experiencing online education, which is considered as accepted because it was first experience. Moreover, even though 40% of them were happy about online education more than half of the respondents received lower than what they have expected.


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How to Cite

Mohammed, K. S., Rashid, C. A., Salih, H. A., & Budur, T. (2020). The Role of Online Teaching Tools on the Perception of the Students during the Lockdown of Covid-19. International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies, 7(3), 178-190.

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