A Phenomenological Study on the Challenges and Problems of New Social Studies Teachers


  • Jay Morilla De Loreto Northern Quezon College Incorporated (NQCI), Quezon Province, Philippines
  • Arvin Demate Jr. Northern Quezon College Incorporated (NQCI), Quezon Province, Philippines
  • Crizmark Dela Cruz Northern Quezon College Incorporated (NQCI), Quezon Province, Philippines
  • April Joy Periña Northern Quezon College Incorporated (NQCI), Quezon Province, Philippines
  • Maica Paril Northern Quezon College Incorporated (NQCI), Quezon Province, Philippines
  • Jomarie Esteves Northern Quezon College Incorporated (NQCI), Quezon Province, Philippines




Social Studies, Challenge, Problem, New Graduate, Teacher, Phenomenology, Teaching-Learning Process, Education


To enhance the teaching-learning process in Social Studies, this study explored the challenges and problems encountered by the new graduate Social Studies Teachers’ at the selected private schools in one of the provinces of the Philippines. Using the qualitative methodology, the researchers interviewed five (5) participants who were purposively selected using the identified criteria. A series of procedures were employed that helped to code and categorize the details of participants’ narratives and stories. To get the themes of their accounts, the analyses of meanings were performed. Findings revealed five (5) important themes that may help teachers and educators to enhance the Social Studies Education. Finally, a discussion of concepts and major recommendations was presented in light of the recently established facts from literature and studies.


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How to Cite

Loreto, J. M. D., Jr., A. D., Cruz, C. D., Periña, A. J., Paril, M., & Esteves, J. (2024). A Phenomenological Study on the Challenges and Problems of New Social Studies Teachers. International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies, 6(2), 23-40. https://doi.org/10.23918/ijsses.v6i2p23

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