The Deficit Doctorate: Multimodal Solutions to Enable Differentiated Learning


  • Tara Brabazon Dean of Graduate Research, Flinders University, Australia



Doctor of Philosophy, eficit Learning and Teaching, Multimodality, Disintermediation, Deterritorialization


The doctoral space is intricate, complex and convoluted. It is torn between individual and institutional commitments, local and international relationships, standards and standardization. This paper does not atomise or discuss individual doctoral supervision, but instead explores how institutions around the world train supervisors, and also create expectations for student and supervisory relationships. The key is to move beyond experiential ideologies and individual relationships, to understand the supervisory relationship in the broader institutional context and the international environment for research.


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How to Cite

Brabazon, T. (2018). The Deficit Doctorate: Multimodal Solutions to Enable Differentiated Learning. International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies, 4(5), 52-70.

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