Ethymological Analysis of Horiats in Iraq Turkmen Folk Poetry


  • Zeynel Polat Ishik University, Erbil, Iraq



Horyat, Hoyrat, Folk Poetry, Iraqi Turkmen Literature


Horyat is a kind of poetry which is passed from one generation to the next and written and told as puns and stanzas. Although it is known with different names in different places in the world, it is called horyat among Iraqi Turkmens by functioning as a media to transfer language and culture. It is not needed to be educated to tell and write horyat. Horyat is a national gratification used to carry language and culture of people from one generation to the next. Generally, it has 4 lines and 7 syllables. There can be change with additional words called “miyan” at the beginning, in the mid or at the end of lines. The aim of it is to point the pun. Horyats are the most important type of Iraqi Turkmen oral folk literature. People who tell horyat are called “horyat çığıran” (horyat yeller), “horyat sazlıyan” (horyat player). This type of folk poetry can be found in different names in Iraq. In this research, we mentioned different variations of horyat in different cultures of Turkish speaking people and ideas of contemporary Turkmen poets and masters of horyat such as Ziyad Akkoyunlu and Ata Terzibasi. Data collection for this research was done with interviews with people who are related with horyat in the region. This poetry type that belongs to Iraqi Turkmens is shown with its function under the influence of dialects of “v” and “y” group; and the etymologic varieties of the word are discussed. Our primary aim is not to insist on the right word; hoyrat, horyat, koryat or xoryat etc, but to prefer the correct usage in its meaningful context and to show its regional use.


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How to Cite

Polat, Z. (2019). Ethymological Analysis of Horiats in Iraq Turkmen Folk Poetry. International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies, 6(1), 171-176.

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