Personal, Cognitive and Metacognitive Factors of Preservice Teachers’ Performance in the College-Based Leaving Examination: Mathematical Models


  • Reymund C. Derilo Nueva Vizcaya State University-Bambang Campus, College of Teacher Education, Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines



Academic Drive, Cognitive Strategies, Grit, Teacher Education, Learning Strategies, Learning Approaches, Metacognitive Strategies, Preservice Education


This study examined some personal, cognitive and metacognitive factors that could predict the performance of the preservice teachers in the leaving examination, an institutionalized mock board examination given before their practice teaching deployment. Quantitative research designs were employed. Repeated-Measures ANOVA and Stepwise Multiple Linear Regression were used in the analysis. The study involved 100 preservice teachers who took the examination in the second semester of the academic year 2017-2018. They were asked to accomplish the Grit Scale, Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students (ASSIST), Academic Motivation Scale (AMS-College Version), and Learning Strategies Questionnaire (LSQ). The study revealed that grit, resource management learning strategy, and course influence (parents) were significant predictors of the preservice teachers’ performance in the general education leaving examination. On the other hand, the combination of metacognitive learning, resource management strategy, grit, and cognitive learning strategies significantly predicted the preservice teachers’ performance in professional education leaving examination.


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How to Cite

Derilo, R. C. (2019). Personal, Cognitive and Metacognitive Factors of Preservice Teachers’ Performance in the College-Based Leaving Examination: Mathematical Models. International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies, 5(4), 54-70.

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