Economic Transformation and Human Development Index in Nigeria


  • Ovenseri-Ogbomo Friday Osaru Department of Economics, Benson Idahosa University, G.R.A. Ugbor, Benin City, Nigeria
  • David Umoru Faculty of Arts, Mgt. & Social Sciences, Edo University, Iyamho, Edo State, Nigeria



Human Development Index, Economic Transformation, Endogenous Growth Model, Nigeria


This research seeks to examine the impact of human development index (HDI) on economic transformation Nigeria. The paper adopted error correction mechanism to accentuate the dynamic paths of variables and aptitude of these variables to return to long-run equilibrium after a shock. From empirical results, it was found that HDI and school enrolment were most statistically significant in Nigerian growth equation. We thus recommend as a policy that emphasis human capital development in Nigeria most especially when the Nigerian nation is labor-intensive one.


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How to Cite

Osaru, O.-O. F., & Umoru, D. (2017). Economic Transformation and Human Development Index in Nigeria. International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies, 4(1), 72-81.

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