An Evaluation of Mobile Instant Messaging Applications’ Preferences: Case of Kurdistan Region of Iraq


  • Chnar Abdullah Rashid Sulaimani Polytechnic University, Sulaimani, Iraq



Satisfaction of Users, MIMQual, Mobile Instant Messaging Applications, Customer Satisfaction


This study aims to understand the satisfaction parameters of the mobile instant messaging application users in Kurdistan Region of Iraq. To do that, MIMQual survey of Demir and Aydinli (2016) have been conducted as survey questionnaire to the users in the region. Initially exploratory factor analysis and reliability analysis have been proposed to validate the questionnaire in the region. Secondly, regression analysis has been proposed to test the impact of each dimension on the user satisfaction. After that, again regression model have been proposed to understand the determinants of the willingness to pay for an application. Due to this model have been proposed in Turkey first, it has been learned in this study that there are some similarities and some differentiations of Kurdistan Region regarding to Turkey. More details about the research have been evaluated and concluded in the paper.


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How to Cite

Rashid, C. A. (2017). An Evaluation of Mobile Instant Messaging Applications’ Preferences: Case of Kurdistan Region of Iraq. International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies, 3(4), 20-35.

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