The Level of Economic Literacy towards Economics Teacher Candidates in Yogyakarta, Indonesia


  • Yohanes Harsoyo Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University, Indonesia
  • Laurentius Saptono Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University, Indonesia
  • Hieronymus Purwanta Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University, Indonesia



Economics Teacher Candidate, Economic Literacy, The Knowledge Level


  This study was designed based on quantitative research methods. The population in this study were students of economic education in Yogyakarta. The sample size of this reseaarch were 197 students. The sampling technique is stratified sampling. Instruments of the research data collection were tests and questionnaires. Data analysis technique is done by descriptive statistic and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results of this reseach show that (1) student teachers in the province experienced economic difficulties at the level (application) or levels apply the knowledge and in general have difficulty on several material literacy economy; (2) there are difference of economic literacy levels of economics teacher candidate in terms of background majoring/ specialization in the field of science while studying at the previous education level, the level of semester, economic mathematical competency, and there are no difference of economic literacy levels of economics teacher candidate in terms of student residence and in terms of gender.


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How to Cite

Harsoyo, Y., Saptono, L., & Purwanta, H. (2017). The Level of Economic Literacy towards Economics Teacher Candidates in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies, 3(4), 73-88.

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