Identifying Features of Indonesian for Speakers of Other Languages (Bipa) Learning for Academic Purposes
Features, BIPA, Indonesian, Academic PurposesAbstract
One of Indonesian learning program is Indonesian for speakers of other languages (BIPA) learning. One particular type of BIPA learning is BIPA for academic purposes. BIPA for academic purposes begins developing in several BIPA learning providers in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to identify and describe the presence and development of BIPA for an academic purpose that exists in various BIPA learning providers in Indonesia. This research used qualitative research design by taking ten BIPA learning providers in Indonesia as a research setting. Data analysis techniques of this research used observation, interview, questionnaire, and documentation study. The results showed that BIPA for academic purposes consists of special characteristics of each component of learning. Learning component of BIPA for academic purposes includes the purpose of learning, learner and instructors characteristics, learning material, learning strategy, and learning evaluation. Each component possesses a characteristic which exposes academic purposes. Hence, this is what distinguishes BIPA for the academic purpose of BIPA learning in general.
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