Study Buddy Club: A Novel Response to the COVID-19 Lockdown, Remote Working, Homeschooling, and Higher Education Work Placements


  • Jodie Pinnell University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, Hampshire, United Kingdom
  • Alexander Sabine University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, Hampshire, United Kingdom
  • Catherine Carroll- Meehan University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, Hampshire, United Kingdom



Covid-19, Remote Education, Online Engagement, Homeschooling, Parents, Families, Work Placements, Working from Home


This position paper evaluates a response to challenges faced during the Covid-19 pandemic. The creation of ‘Study Buddy Club,’ saw Childhood Studies undergraduate students operate daily online sessions with children of university staff. This provided much-needed respite for parents and carers working from home, as evidence outlines negative impacts of reduced peer interaction for children, and the loss of routine associated with school settings. With a focus on the educational needs of young children, ‘Study Buddy Club’ appealed to a ‘family-friendly’ working policy, acknowledging the disproportionate impacts of the pandemic on parents, particularly working mothers. A second aim of the project was to offer work experience for undergraduate students, who need to meet a compulsory requirement for their degree. The aims, impact and features of the ‘Study Buddy Club’ align in this paper to expose the difficulties families faced in the pandemic and the role of a simple, yet effective solution.


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How to Cite

Pinnell, J., Sabine, A., & Carroll- Meehan, C. (2024). Study Buddy Club: A Novel Response to the COVID-19 Lockdown, Remote Working, Homeschooling, and Higher Education Work Placements. International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies, 8(4), 1-16.

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