The Prevalence of Mathematical Anxiety in a Business School: A Comparative Study across Subject Areas
Mathematical Anxiety, Pedagogy, Mastery, AssessmentAbstract
Mathematical anxiety is a phenomenon linked to poor attainment in mathematics and restricted development of mathematical skills among those who are afflicted by it. Unfortunately most undergraduate courses in business related areas require the further study of mathematics to enable effective business decision making and students who suffer from mathematical anxiety are placed at risk of underperformance
or failure in such quantitative modules. This paper summarizes the results of a survey (n = 330) of students joining a university business school with a view to ascertaining the degree of mathematical anxiety exhibited by incoming students. Results of the survey show no significant differences in anxiety attributable to age or gender but significant differences attributable to level of study and subject area. Implications of the findings
for a redesigned teaching approach are discussed drawing on suggestions from the literature surrounding mathematical anxiety.
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