A Benchmarking of Service Quality in Telecommunication Services: Case Study in Kurdistan Region of Iraq


  • Ahmet Demir Ishik University, Sulaimani, Iraq




Benchmarking, Service Quality, AHP, VIKOR, Strategic Management


This study aims to evaluate the comparative advantages of each GSM firm toward one another via applying benchmarking methods. To do this, a survey questionnaire has been conducted on 514 GSM service users in Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Collected data has been analyzed proposing analytic hierarchy process and VIKOR method. Based on the evaluations of the GSM service users, better and worse performing firms have been identified based on each criterion. Finally, minimum utility regret providing firm has been determined. Finally, strategic suggestions have been given to the firms according to the analysis results. The benchmarking can be used by the different policy influencing and making agencies to develop future policies for the improvement. The industry can also use the benchmarking for its peer performance improvement.


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How to Cite

Demir, A. (2019). A Benchmarking of Service Quality in Telecommunication Services: Case Study in Kurdistan Region of Iraq. International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies, 5(3), 216-231. https://doi.org/10.23918/ijsses.v5i3p216

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