Classroom Management and School Science Labs: A Review of Literature on Classroom Management Strategies


  • Selcuk Koran Ishik University Erbil, Iraq
  • Elvira Koran University of Kurdistan Hewler, Erbil, Iraq



Effective Teaching/Learning, Classroom Management, Science Labs, Reactive Strategies, Preventive Strategies


Effective learning refers to the extent to which educational institutions are effective in achieving their educational objectives. Effective teaching/learning cannot simply happen in a classroom where teachers fail to manage classrooms effectively. Therefore, classroom management happens in a positive classroom environment where positive teacher-student rapport is established. As for science laboratory, learning in the labs has been long considered as a crucial part of science education. Effective management strategies not only in the classrooms, but also in science labs support and enhance effective teaching and learning. Classroom management in science labs is a standout amongst the most central roles played by teachers because it determines the achievements of students. Effective science teachers are the ones who understand the peculiarities of students’ behavior in science labs and use preventive and reactive classroom management strategies to prevent or react to problem behavior of students. Emphasizing the knowledge and the practice of classroom management strategies, this study will illuminate effective techniques for management in the classrooms and consider this from the perspective of teacher effectiveness, particularly in science labs, and consequently suggest some implications for practice.


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How to Cite

Koran, S., & Koran, E. (2018). Classroom Management and School Science Labs: A Review of Literature on Classroom Management Strategies. International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies, 5(2), 64-72.

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