Students’ Perception on Lecturer Evaluation in Higher Education


  • Karwan Hushyar Sherwani Business and Management Department, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics, Tishk International University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Uma Shankar Singh Business and Management Department, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics, Tishk International University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq


Higher Education, Perception, Feedback, Lecturer, Student Evaluation


The research is descriptive in nature and is based on the concept of measuring the lecturer‘s performance in universities and the efficiency of the instrument provided by ministry of higher education. The research problem cited as the need of understanding student‘s psychology and perception on the lecturer evaluation system in higher education. For this purpose research objectives taken are, to measure the acceptance of variables getting measured for the lecturer evaluation by the instrument of higher education and to know students perception on lecturer in higher. For the purpose of concept building secondary literature reviewed and primary data is the base for outcome of this research. A self-explained instrument is created taking 21 items with 4 demographic variables. A sample size of 157 respondents considered from different universities and grades in Kurdistan. The analysis is based on reliability testing, statistical T-Test and One Way ANOVA using SPSS 20. All 21 variables are getting accepted with very significant values for acceptance shows respondent‘s opinion significantly varies on all 21 variables using statistical T-test. One Way ANOVA test is performed taking 84 sets prepared shows 44 sets having accepted though 40 sets rejected. At the conclusion ten variable for the performance evaluation for the lecturer is strongly recommended for the mutual development and to contribute in development process of society.


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How to Cite

Sherwani, K. H., & Singh, U. S. (2015). Students’ Perception on Lecturer Evaluation in Higher Education. International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies, 2(1), 49-61.

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