Factors Affecting Shoppers’ Behavior in Erbil, Kurdistan – Iraq
Attitude, Learning, Motivation, Perception, Shoppers‟ BehaviorAbstract
The study aims to ascertain the applicable factors which will directly influence the shoppers regarding prevailed organized retail store. The emergence of new formats of retailing has become much organized, more distinct from the conventional formats of retailing. Hypothesis formulated as there is positive association between shoppers‟ behavior which is dependent factor and independent factors which are motivation, perception, learning and attitude. Quantitative method was used to analyze this paper. Field survey was carried out on shoppers at different retail stores in Erbil. A random sampling method was used to gather data. The researchers distributed 150 questionnaires. 129 questionnaires were received but only 117 questionnaires were valid. The questionnaire was in multiple choice format questions. The findings of this study revealed that the highest value for attitude factor = .708, which indicates that there is strong association between attitude and shoppers‟ behavior.
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