Students’ Attitudes towards Learning English Language in Erbil


  • Govand Anwar Department of Business and Management,Faculty of Administrative Science and Economics, Ishik University, Erbil, Iraq
  • Inji Shukur Department of Business and Management,Faculty of Administrative Science and Economics, Ishik University, Erbil, Iraq


Behavioural Attitude, Cognitive Attitude, Emotional Attitude, Erbil/Kurdistan


This research investigates students’ attitudes towards learning English language in private universities in Erbil. Attitude is considered as a necessary component in language learning. Therefore, a positive attitude is considered as one of the significant factors that has an impact on language learning. The main purpose of this study is to reveal students‟ attitudes towards learning English and find out how to make their attitudes positive. Lecturers who know how to develop positive attitudes in students will be able to conduct interesting and effective classroom activities; get them to be more successful in learning English. The researchers used multi regression analysis to test the research hypothesis. The findings showed that there is a strong association between cognitive attitude and learning English language, while the value B for cognitive attitude is .765<0.01, the value B for behavioral attitude is .461<0.01, accordingly the researchers came to conclude that there is a positive relationship between behavioral attitudes and learning English language as well, and the value B for emotional attitude is – .166>0.01, so the third research hypothesis was rejected. The findings of this study revealed that the highest value was for cognitive attitude, which indicates that there is a strong relationship between cognitive attitude and learning English language. Lecturers should take into consideration the beliefs, feelings and behaviours of the learners of English language. Students‟ attitudes significantly vary with respect to their gender and the years of language education that they have had.


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How to Cite

Anwar, G., & Shukur, I. (2015). Students’ Attitudes towards Learning English Language in Erbil. International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies, 1(4), 17-26.

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