Project – Based Learning Assessment Methods Comparison in Undergraduate EFL Classes


  • Aziza Kavlu Department of English Language Teaching, Faculty of Education, Ishik University, Erbil, Iraq


Project – Based Learning, Self and Peer Assessment, EFL learners


Educators use different teaching approaches to equip students with 21st century skills. Project-Based learning (PBL) is one of them. The main principal of PBL is active learning where student and their future career needs is the core of learning process. In Language acquisition (LA) and in English as a Foreign Language context PBL‟s essentials are to generate authentic learning environment which aids learners through various projects (power point presentation, short video, posters, magazines, and brochures). Project- Based Learning is an end product oriented; therefore the evaluation process of learners‟ exertion is crucial, because non evaluated effort causes decreases in learners‟ motivation. It is a study case in one of the first year classes in the Faculty of Education at Ishik University. This paper focuses on PBL assessment in EFL undergraduate students English language teaching classes. Multiple-choice, true-false tests and standardized tests are not adequate to measure learners‟ PBL end products and their endeavors on the process of reaching required learning outcomes. This study probes and compares three different PBL assessment methods in order to reveal the most applicable and the easiest acceptable assessment method.


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How to Cite

Kavlu, A. (2015). Project – Based Learning Assessment Methods Comparison in Undergraduate EFL Classes. International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies, 1(4), 47-59.

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