Internal Quality Assurance Practices in Achieving World-Class University Standards: Perspectives from Administrators, Faculty, and Students


  • Samwel Credo Department of Educational Management and Policy Studies, College of Education, The University of Dodoma (UDOM), Dodoma, United Republic of Tanzania.
  • Daniel Mbonea Mngarah Department of Educational Management and Policy Studies, College of Education, The University of Dodoma (UDOM), Dodoma, United Republic of Tanzania.



Internal Quality Assurance, World-class University Standards, University Core Functions, Sustainability, Socio-economic Development


This study explored the stakeholders’ interpretation of a world-class university and assessed the sustainability of internal quality assurance practices towards achieving the world-class university standards. It was guided by qualitative case study design and used interview and documentary review methods to generate data from 21 participants. The data were analysed using thematic and content analysis. The results revealed participants’ interpretation of world-class university being linked with the realities of the world-class university as defined in the literature. Regarding sustainability, participants’ perspectives focused on the aspects of strengths, weakness, opportunity and threats and noted the need for university quality assurance practices to exceed the standards set by accreditation authorities. The study concluded that the idea of world-class university was inescapable, and recommended strategies to strengthen universities towards features of third-generation universities.


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How to Cite

Credo , S. ., & Mbonea Mngarah, D. (2024). Internal Quality Assurance Practices in Achieving World-Class University Standards: Perspectives from Administrators, Faculty, and Students. International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies, 11(4), 1-16.

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