School Related Challenges Affecting Career Decision-Making of Grade 12 Learners in Township Secondary Schools in Gauteng South Africa
School Related Challenges, Career Decision-Making, Grade 12 Learners, Township Secondary SchoolsAbstract
The COVID -19 pandemic has highlighted various social, economic, psychological, financial, and physical challenges that learners encounter in South Africa. Learners continue to face challenges of ineffective and inaccurate career decisions when in secondary schools. This predicament makes them choose wrong careers leading to low level functioning in the later world of work. These challenges have continued to receive much attention in the media and in various policy documents. Learners continue to face challenges of ineffective and inaccurate career decisions when in secondary schools. The authors of this paper argue that one of the core functions of any education system is to prepare learners to become functional citizens who are self-sufficient in their chosen and preferred careers. We argue that one way to ensure learners’ success and contribution to society is by providing them with adequate and effective career counselling. It is against this background that this study explored the school-related challenges affecting career decision-making of Grade 12 learners in township secondary schools in Gauteng, South Africa. The Krumboltz Social Learning Theory of Career Development (SLTCD) served as the theoretical framework for this study. Within the interpretivist research paradigm, a qualitative multiple case study research design was adopted. Purposive and convenience sampling methods were used to select 23 Grade 12 learners from six township secondary schools in Gauteng East District. Semi-structured online interviews were used to collect data and was analysed thematically. The findings indicate that schools lack the infrastructure required to provide learners with proper career guidance and education. The lack of access to career information services and incorrect subject combinations meant that learners were unable to choose appropriate career paths post Grade 12. We recommend that the Department of Basic Education prioritise the training and up skilling of designated educators to become specialised career counsellors in township secondary schools.
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