Assessing the Physical Space for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education-A Study of a Lecture Theatre Complex at the University of Cape Coast, Ghana
Learning Space, Teaching Environment, Higher Education, Quality EducationAbstract
Quality education involves three key identifiable components: teaching, student, and the environment within which teaching and learning takes place. Much of the existing literature has been devoted to the first two elements with the last of them being relatively disproportionately represented, particularly in a typical developing country context. The study deployed a mixed-method approach to explore lecturers’ views on the adequacy of a frequently-used teaching and learning space (lecture theatre complex) in the University of Cape Coast. A total of 106 respondents were recruited for the study using the convenience sampling approach and data was collected using a questionnaire which had both close and open-ended items.
The findings suggest that the assessment of the facility revealed mixed results. While it was highly ranked on environment and ambiance, it scored poorly in ergonomics and technology. On the balance however, the data generally suggests that the lecture theatre complex largely did not measure up to respondents’ expectations as a standard teaching and learning facility. It is recommended that the building be redesigned or air conditioning be installed in the classrooms for more ventilation. Also, regular maintenance of the faculty will be useful to help it meet the exigencies of modern day teaching and learning at the tertiary level.
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