Sustainability of the 4.0 Revolution in University-Level Mathematics Classrooms: Disruptions, Adaptability
CAS, Covid-19, Education, ICT, IR, Mathematics, Sustainability, Technology, VLE, VVMAbstract
This article addresses the sustainability of using digital technologies in mathematics education. The paper emphasizes the need to understand how we can improve mathematics learning processes and the role of technology in these processes. Technology encompasses various fields such as science, manufacturing, services, and transportation, covering a wide range from machines to methods. The use of technology in mathematics education should also be evaluated within this scope. The article examines how digital technologies are used in mathematics classes and how this usage affects students’ mathematics learning processes. Technological advancements, ranging from graphic calculators to web-based applications, have transformed mathematics instruction. However, it is an important question whether technology is used only to access answers more quickly or to improve how mathematics is learned. Especially when there are numerous equations and programming languages in mathematics classes, the limitations of material presentation must be considered. Additionally, this research highlights the importance of using platforms for implementing online learning policies.
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