The Concept of Online Education After the Outbreak of COVID-19 And Its Influence on Education, Families, Students and Educators


  • Turgay Küçük English Language Teaching Department, Faculty of Education, Tishk International University, Erbil, Iraq



Covid-19 Challenges, Covid-19 Education, Influence of Covid-19


COVID-19 has created numerous modifications to human life and altered people’s outlooks on life. In this study, the effects of Corona on education, family life, students, and teachers were examined, and the findings were discussed. First, the concept of online education, which has become an integral part of our lives, was emphasized. The transition to online education’s challenges and the overall studies on the subject were examined. During the second phase, the positive and negative effects and outcomes of the pandemic on family life were documented. In the final section, the impacts of education on educators and students, the two inseparable components of education, were underlined, and the obstacles encountered in this process, technical challenges, and disparities in education between urban and rural locations were studied.


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How to Cite

Küçük, T. (2023). The Concept of Online Education After the Outbreak of COVID-19 And Its Influence on Education, Families, Students and Educators. International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies, 10(2), 121-130.

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