Olowo Busuyi Francis1
1Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Education, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife, Nigeria
Abstract: This paper reports the results of a survey that appraised the leadership characters exhibited by secondary school principals in Osun State Secondary Schools, Nigeria. The study adopted quantitative approach of design. Population of the study comprised all 7,767 teachers and sample of 390 was selected using simple random and purposive sampling techniques. An instrument was used to gather data. Data collected were analysed using mean, standard deviation (SD) and T-Test. The findings showed that principals demonstrated their accountability (x ̅=3.09), courageous (x ̅=3.07), justice (x ̅=3.02), and, collaborative (x ̅=2.95) characters. The study further indicated that there was no significant difference between the courageous (t-cal=64.91; df=310; p (0.612) ˃0.05), collaborative (t-cal=71.88; df=310; p (0.736) ˃0.05), accountability (t-cal=72.89; df=310; p (0.594) ˃0.05) and justice characters (t-cal=69.81; df=310; p (0.612) ˃0.05) demonstrated by male and female principals in the study area. The study concluded that both the male and female principals in the study area exhibited their accountability, courageous, justice and collaborative characters.
Keywords: Appraisal, Leadership Characters, Principals, Secondary Schools, Nigeria
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International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies
ISSN 2520-0968 (Online), ISSN 2409-1294 (Print), September 2020, Vol.7, No.3