Sue Charlton1 & Tara Brabazon2
1Regional Physiotherapist Working at 1 Stop Health – A Multidisciplinary Pediatric Allied Health Practice in Regional South Australia
2Professor of Cultural Studies at Flinders University, Flinders University, South Australia
Abstract: This article offers testimony that summons an unspoken and unwritten history of regional Allied Health. Constructed in two sections, this article explores foundational models of Allied Health leadership and then probes the disconnection between these models, strategies, policies and procedures, and the lived experience in regional cities. This research probes the potential of Allied Health services in a regional location, beyond supplementing the agenda of large cities. The aim of this article is to demonstrate what has gone wrong in Allied Health in regional Australia, and then provide tropes and strategies for renewal, particularly after the pandemic.
Keywords: Allied Health, Public Health, Regional Health, Health Collaboration, Health Leadership
Published: April 17, 2022
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International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies
ISSN 2520-0968 (Online), ISSN 2409-1294 (Print), March 2022, Vol.9, No.1