Investigating the Relationship between Self-Confidence, Psychological Resilience and Problematic Internet Use


  • Selman Çutuk Applied Sciences Sakarya University, Physical Education and Sports Education, Sakarya, Turkey
  • Kürşad Sertbaş Kocaeli University, Sports Science Faculty, Kocaeli, Turkey
  • Zeynep Akkuş Çutuk Trakya University, Department of Educational Sciences, Edirne, Turkey



Self-Confidence, Psychological Resistance, Problematic Internet Use


The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between self-confidence, psychological resilience and problematic internet use among students studying at sports science faculties of universities. The sample of the research consists of 312 students, 150 of whom are male and 162 of whom are female, aged between 18 and 23. Self-Confidence Scale, Psychological Resistance Scale and Chinese Internet Addiction Scale were used to obtain the data. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), one of the quantitative data analysis techniques, was preferred in the data analysis process. In this study, the measurement model was first tested and verified, then the structural model was tested and verified. It was determined that fit index values of both measurement and structural model fit well. Accordingly, a positive relationship between self-confidence and psychological resilience among sports science students, and a negative significant relationship between psychological resilience and problematic internet use was found.


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How to Cite

Çutuk, S., Sertbaş, K., & Çutuk, Z. A. (2020). Investigating the Relationship between Self-Confidence, Psychological Resilience and Problematic Internet Use. International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies, 7(4), 48-58.

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