Assessment of Mitigation Strategies Used in the Management of Examination Malpractices by Universities in Mount Kenya Region
Assessment, Strategies, Examination, Mitigation, Malpractice, Management, UniversitiesAbstract
The proliferation of examination malpractices among university students is of great concern to educationists in Kenya. This standpoint prompted the current study. The specific objective was to assess the mitigation strategies used in management of examination malpractices in Mount Kenya Region universities. Descriptive research design was applied. Kathuri and Pal’s sampling table aided to sample 380 students. A questionnaire was used to collect data. Results revealed that examinations were not strictly invigilated, frisking was not effectively done on students during examinations, invigilators had integrity, culprits of cheating were punished and students were prepared well for examinations. It was inferred that the mean difference in effectiveness of the examinations mitigation strategies was not different in public and private universities. The study concluded that there should be an improvement in invigilation and enhanced frisking of students and that the findings inform education policy makers on effective strategies of to mitigate examination malpractices.
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